Partnership Event 10/04/2013

Joint EC / European Green Cars Initiative Workshop – April 2013

Electric Vehicle Batteries: Moving from Research Towards Innovation

As FP7 and with it the European Green Cars Initiative ends, many projects are also in their final stage or are already finished. This leads to the question of how their results are moved to innovation. Hence, within this workshop the European Commission and the European Technology Platforms EPoSS and ERTRAC wish to discuss current European activities and policies related to bridging the gap between research and innovation in the domain of batteries for the electric vehicle. First results of collaborative research projects on batteries funded under the European Green Cars Initiative as well as relevant first implementations of battery production in Europe will be reviewed. In this context European activities and policies to supporting innovation shall be considered. The aim is to provide recommendations on innovation support activities in the framework of Horizon 2020.

The invited experts include the coordinators of European collaborative research projects on batteries, leaders of major pilot activities for battery manufacturing, representatives of European companies from the field of energy storage cell and battery technology as well as research institutions and all involved Directorates General of the European Commission.

The invitiation letter can be found here.

A report on the workshop is available here.



  • Welcome – Günter Lugert, Siemens / Chairman EPoSS Executive Comm / Vice Chairman EGVIA
  • Keynote – Liam Breslin, Head of Unit Surface Transport, DG RTD, European Commission

Session 1: Results of Current Research Projects – Chairperson: Emma Briec, Renault (France)

  • AMELIE, Jean Yves Sanchez, INP Grenoble (France)
  • Easybat, Chanan Gabay, Better Place Labs (Israel)
  • ESTRELIA, Ewald Wachmann, AMS (Austria)
  • SOMABAT, Leire Zubizarreta, Asociacion ITE (Spain)
  • SuperLIB, Can Kurtulus, AVL List (Austria)
  • SmartLIC, Jochen Langheim, STMicroelectronics (France)
  • ELIBAMA, Jerome Peyrard, Renault (France)

Session 2: Knowledge Transfer from Research to Innovation – Chairperson: Pietro Perlo, IFEVS (Italy)

Session 3: Supporting Innovation in Europe – Chairperson: Jesus Monclus, CDTI (Spain)

Conclusions and closing remarks

  • Wrap-Up – Gereon Meyer, VDI/VDE-IT
  • Closing Remarks – Wolfgang Steiger, Volkswagen / Chairman ERTRAC and EGVIA; Willy van Puymbroeck, Head of Unit Nanoelectronics, DG CNECT, EC
