Partnership document 04/07/2024

Joint Statement for an Ambitious FP10

Report 08/04/2024

#RTR2024 Summary Report

Partnership document 11/10/2023

EGVI Impact Assessment 2014 – 2020

Report 08/06/2023

#RTR2023 Summary Report

Partnership document 04/11/2021

2Zero MoU

2Zero Memorandum of Understanding

Project Portfolio 09/09/2020

EGVI Project Portfolio – Calls 2018-2019

The second edition of our EGVI Project Portfolio is now available gathering the 2018 – 2019 research projects funded under Horizon 2020 – European Green Vehicles Initiative. Download it now!

Report 20/03/2020

H2020RTR19 Summary Report

Download the full summary report on all the presentations given at the European Conference H2020RTR19, which took place last December 2019.

Report 04/04/2019

New EGVI Impact Assessment 2019

For its tenth anniversary, EGVI has decided to reflect back on its activities and to carry out a more comprehensive impact assessment covering its decade of existence.

While Horizon Europe, the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, is currently being discussed, this new assessment aims at reflecting what has already been achieved by EGVI while identifying areas for improvements in the next financial framework.

Project Portfolio 16/04/2018

EGVI cPPP Project Portfolio Calls 2014-2017

The 2018 edition of EGVI cPPP Project Portfolio captures the full list of projects launched in the framework of European Green Vehicles Initiative (2014 – 2017). The document was published in March 2018.

EU document 11/12/2013

Transport Work Programme 2014-2015

The Horizon 2020 – Transport Work Programme 2014-2015 was published on 11 December. For more information, consult the Horizon 2020 website.

Roadmaps 02/11/2013

European Green Vehicles Initiative PPP Multiannual Roadmap (October 2013)

The Multiannual Roadmap for the EGVI contractual Public Private Partnership (2014-2020) is the document of reference for the establishment of the European Green Vehicles Initiative.

The text is based on the outcome of a consultation process launched in 2012, involving the stakeholders from ERTRAC, EPoSS and SmartGrids, and takes into account the relevant roadmaps prepared by these three European Technology Platforms. The document presents the elements of context calling for the creation of the EGVI PPP, in continuity of the Green Cars Initiative, and explains the long-term vision developed by the industrial sectors involved. The Roadmap also defines the scope of the Initiative, which aims at accelerating research, development and demonstration of technologies allowing the efficient use of clean energies in road transport, and outlines the research and innovation strategy implemented with a view to increasing the energy efficiency of vehicles and alternative powertrains. It describes the governance model of the contractual public private partnership and includes – in annex – the full list of members involved in the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association.

Project Portfolio 01/11/2013

Project Portfolio of the European Green Cars Initiative PPP – Calls 2010 / 2013

The European Green Cars Initiative PPP Project Portfolio contains the full list of projects launched in the framework of the Initiative (2010 – 2013). The document was published in November 2013.
