Four rounds of calls for proposals are expected to be launched within the Towards zero emission road transport partnership in the period 2021-2027.
They will follow the four annual rounds of calls already published in the framework of the Green Cars Initiative (2009-2013) and the three calls published in the framework of the European Green Vehicles Initiative cPPP (2014-2020).

All the calls are published on the European Commission’s portal for research, CORDIS and are available for consultation on our website.

Four rounds of calls for proposals are expected to be launched within the 2Zero partnership:



2021-2022: 20 projects have been selected with a total available EU budget of €M190.


2023: 11 projects have been selected for funding.
2024: 6 topics have been open for proposals.


Selected topics are available on:

To be defined

2025-2027: topics will be defined based on the priorities identified in the SRIA.