The European Green Vehicles Initiative Association for the 2Zero partnership (EGVIAfor2Zero) is an international non-profit association engaged with the European Commission into the 2Zero partnership in order to represent the Partners other than the Union.
Created in 2021, EGVIAfor2Zero currently regroups 115 members from the automotive, smart systems, smart grid industries and logistics companies and freight transport users, research centres and universities. The association is continuously growing, testifying to the attractiveness of the 2Zero partnership in the road transport community.
Using the wide stakeholders’ base of the European Technology Platforms ERTRAC, EPoSS, Smart Grids, ALICE and Batteries Europe, the association is bringing together all relevant companies, institutions, research organisation, university and sector association dealing with relevant research and development activities in the fields covered by the partnership.
Stephan Neugebauer from BMW, currently chairs EGVIAfor2Zero and is also Chairman of ERTRAC (the European Technology Platform for Road Transport).
While the publication of calls for proposals as well as evaluation, selection and management
of funded projects is under the sole responsibility of the European Commission services, following the Horizon Europe regulation, the Association is:

Formalising the work amongst the interested members of the private side of the partnership.

Delivering viable research topics recommendations across the community.

Collaborating with the European Commission services for the implementation of the Framework Programme.

Contributing to the monitoring of the programme and to the evaluation of the efficiency of the activities.

Building communication channel with the Member States and the research community across Europe.