Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)

The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the 2Zero partnership is the reference document for implementing the partnership.
Following the partnership proposal submitted to the European Commission, the SRIA has been co-drafted during a year and a half by stakeholders representing the whole value chain and sectors to be involved in the partnership. It also takes into account the roadmaps and Strategic Research Agendas of the five European Technology Platforms supporting the Partnership activities: ERTRAC, EPoSS, ETIP-SNET, ALICE and Batteries Europe.
In addition to the definition of research and innovation priorities, the SRIA is also detailing the expected impacts, Key Performance Indicators, coordination with other partnerships and governance model of the 2Zero partnership.
SRIA Scope
The partnership will set an ambitious research programme to accelerate the transition towards a climate neutral and clean road transport system and will make a key contribution to the success of the Green Deal objective of 90% emission reduction by 2050, delivered by a smart, competitive, safe, accessible and affordable transport system.
2Zero focuses on research and innovation for the development of next generation energy-efficient and affordable zero tailpipe emission road vehicles (Battery Electric Vehicles and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles), mobility solutions and their cost-effective recharging infrastructures (from slow to fast /ultra-fast).

It will also ensure a strong link with other support measures to facilitate the zero tailpipe emission vehicle technology deployment through effective mobility and logistics solutions for all applications (urban, peri-urban and rural). The selection and implementation of solutions and technologies based on their environmental and social impact must also become a commonly accepted approach.
The partnership’s activities will be transversal, allowing consideration of different aspects of the challenges in a single, integrated system approach to tackle the decarbonisation of road transport. The partnership will address several layers of research and innovation activities: technologies, process, operational and business model innovation.
More information can be found in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.
Mission and objectives
The challenge of zero tailpipe emission and clean road transport relates to several important objectives of the European Union:
Reduction of emissions and improvement of air quality
CO2 emissions reduction and acceleration of the transition towards climate neutrality
Development of new solutions for all types of applications
The specific objectives of 2Zero are:
Develop zero tailpipe emission, affordable user-centric solutions (technologies and services) for road-based mobility all across Europe and accelerate their acceptance to improve air quality in urban areas and beyond
Develop affordable, user-friendly charging infrastructure concepts and technologies that include vehicle and grid interaction
Demonstrate innovative use cases for the integration of zero tailpipe emission vehicles and infrastructure concepts for the road mobility of people and goods
Support the development of life-cycle analysis tools and skills for the effective design, assessment and deployment of innovative concepts in products/services in a circular economy context
The 2Zero partnership will not only address the societal challenge of sustainable transport and decarbonisation of the road transport system; it will also have a major impact on the innovative strength and global competitiveness of the European economy. Hence, the partnership is bringing a key contribution to growth and jobs across the continent.