What we do?
Together, the European Commission services and the partners other than the Union (EGVIAfor2Zero) collaborate to identify research and innovation activities to be proposed for financial support under the Horizon Europe programme – the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation in the period 2021-2027.
The input delivered by the private side of the Partnership Board is prepared through a continuous process of stakeholder consultations within EGVIAfor2Zero. The inputs provided by EGVIAfor2Zero to the European Commission are based on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the partnership and from workshops and inputs from roadmaps of the five European Technology Platforms supporting the Partnership activities: ERTRAC, EPoSS, ETIP-SNET, ALICE and Batteries Europe.
All topics identified as priorities by the Partnership Board are expected to contribute to achieving the long term objectives of the partnership and paving the way to achieve the goals set in EU policies: climate neutrality, European competitiveness and technology leadership and improving quality of life of EU citizens.
2Zero is funded under the Horizon Europe programme.
€615 million have been allocated to the partnership (2021 – 2027).

Public-private collaboration to promote the delivery of zero tailpipe emission vehicles and mobility system solutions in Europe

Research, development and demonstration
of technologies allowing
zero tailpipe emission road transport

Raising awareness on areas covered
by the partnership and communicate
about its achievements