Joint EC / European Green Cars Initiative Clustering Event – July 2012
Over 50 projects have been launched under the Europaen Green Cars Initiative as a result of the first two calls for proposals and the recent third call has yielded further projects to be launched soon.
In view of contributing to coherence among EC funded activities from a specific domain, the Commission promotes clustering and concertation meetings. The services DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, DG Research and Innovation and DG Mobility and Transport were thus supporting this event aiming to:
- Build a critical mass of activities within the EGCI,
- Identify potential synergies and relevant topics for further cooperation,
- Improve the performance of individual projects.
Several thematic sessions have explored the entire EGCI spectrum and will provide an opportunity to interactive discussions.
This workshop was prepared on behalf of the European Commission by the Coordination Actions “PPP Implementation for Road Transport Electrification” (CAPIRE) and “Information and Communication Technologies for the Full Electric Vehicle” (ICT4FEV).
Agenda and Presentations
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Room Félicien Cattier
Opening Session
Chair: Cosmin Codrea, EC DG CONNECT
- Keynote EC/ DG CONNECT, Khalil Rouhana, Director Components and Systems
- Keynote EC/DG MOVE, Olivier Onidi, Director Innovative and Sustainable Mobility
- Keynote EC/ DG RTD, Maurizio Maggiore, DG RTD
- CAPIRE, Emma Briec, Renault S.A.S.
- ICT4FEV/SMART EV-VC, Gereon Meyer, VDI/VDE-IT (Germany)
- Green eMotion, Ingo Bunzeck, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (Netherlands)
- The impact of ICT R&D on the large scale deployment, Matthew Morris, AEA Technology Plc (UK)
Main Subject: Energy Storage Systems
Session 1: Materials and Packaging
Chair: Maurizio Maggiore, EC DG RTD, Sven Rzepka, Fraunhofer ENAS
- AUTOSUPERCAP, Constantina Lekakou, University of Surrey
- ELECTROGRAPH, Urszula Kosidlo, Fraunhofer IPA
Session 2: Advanced Batteries
Chair: Marc Boukerche, EC DG CONNECT
- LABOHR, Oliver Panzer, European Research Services
- AMELIE, Thierry Baert, Solvay
- APPLES, Stefania Panero, Sapienza University of Rome
- SMARTBATT, Rudolf Gradinger, AIT
- OSTLER, Gabrielle Cross, MIRA Ltd.
Session 3: Battery Management System
Chair: Cosmin Codrea, EC DG CONNECT, Gabrielle Cross, MIRA
- SMARTLIC, Sven Rzepka, Fraunhofer ENAS
- ESTRELIA, Ewald Wachmann, ams AG
Main Subject: Vehicle System Integration
Session 1: EV Design & Architecture
Chair: Cosmin Codrea, EC DG CONNECT, Gereon Meyer, VDI/VDE IT
- OpEneR, Kosmas Knödler, Robert Bosch GmbH
- eFUTURE, Volker Scheuch, Intedis
- COSIVU, Dag Andersson, Swerea IVF
Session 2: Light Weight & Design Solutions
Chair: Maurizio Maggiore, EC DG RTD, Dag Andersson, Swerea IVF
- E-Light, Blanca Araujo, CIDAUT
- ELVA, Micha Lesemann, fka mbH
- ECOSHELL, Alain de Larminat, Altran
- DELIVER, Micha Lesemann, fka mbH
- WideMOB, Carloandrea Malvicino, CRF
- SMARTOP, Vito Guido Lambertini, CRF
Session 3: Smart Systems for EV
Chair: Joao Serrano Gomes, EC DG CONNECT, Marco Ottella, Bitron S.p.A.
- ICE, Carloandrea Malvicino, CRF
- P-MOB, Jiabin Wang, University of Sheffield
- Pollux, Ovidiu Vermesan, SINTEF
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Room Félicien Cattier
Session 1: Battery Manufacturing & Recycling
Chair: Marc Boukerche, EC DG CONNECT, Sixto Santonia-Hernández, ITE-Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía
- GREENLION, Oscar Miguel Crespo, IK4-CIDETEC
- ELIBAMA, Jerome Peyrard, RENAULT S.A.S.
- HELIOS, Frédérique Delcorso, RENAULT S.A.S.
- SOMABAT, Leire Zubizarreta, ITE-Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía and Eugenia Fagadar-Cosma, Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Acedamy
Session 2: Competitiveness & Innovation
Chair: Miriam Coulon Cantueur, EC DG CONNECT
- ICT4EVEU, Javier Iriarte, Zabala Innovation Consulting S.A.
- Mobi.Europe, Joao Jesus Caetano, INTELI
- SMARTCEM, Zeljko Jeftic, ERTICO – ITS Europe
Session 3: Transport System Integration
Chair: Irmgard Heiber, EC DG CONNECT, Emma Briec, RENAULT S.A.S.
- ECOGEM, Burak Onur, Temsa Global A.S.
- ELVIRE, Cedric Auliac, CEA
- EMERALD, Marco Boero, Softeco Sismat SrL
- eCo-FEV, Massimiliano Lenardi, Hitachi Europe
- Mobility 2.0, Andras Kovacs, BroadBit
- MOBINCITY, Sixto Santonia-Hernández, ITE-Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía
Session 4: Grid Integration
Chair: Marc Boukerche, EC DG CONNECT, Reiner John, Infineon Technologies
- e-Dash, Gloria Pellischek, ERPC GmbH
- IoE, Ovidiu Vermesan, SINTEF
- SMARTV2G, Sixto Santonia-Hernández, ITE- Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía
- PowerUP, Andras Kovacs, BroadBit
- EASYBAT, Chanan Gabay, Better Place
Room Emile Francqui
Session 1: Standardization / Safety for EV
Chair: Joao Serrano Gomes, EC DG CONNECT, Gabrielle Cross, MIRA
- EM-Safety, Andreas Vogl, SINTEF ICT
- eVADER, Juan García, Applus+ IDIADA
- OPTIBODY, Mario Maza-Frechin, Universidad de Zaragoza
- MAENAD, Henrik Lonn, Volvo Technology
- HEMIS, Ainhoa Galarza, CEIT
- ID4EV, Patrick Spall, Continental Engineering Services
Session 2: Transport Efficiency
Chair: Joao Serrano Gomes, EC DG CONNECT, Emma Briec, RENAULT S.A.S.
- CO3, Dirk ‘t Hooft, Holland International Distribution
- POWERFUL, Pascal Tribotté, RENAULT S.A.S.
- NoWaste, Theodor Sams, AVL Graz
Session 3: E-Drive Train Technologies
Chair: Joao Serrano Gomes, Patrick Spall, Continental Engineering Services
- AVTR, Marco Ottella, Bitron S.p.A.
- CASTOR, E3Car, MOTORBRAIN, Reiner John, Infineon Technologies
- E-VECTOORC, Aldo Sorniotti, University Of Surrey
- FUEREX, Theodor Sams, AVL Graz
- ODIN, Martin Braun, Robert Bosch GmbH
- AUTOMICS, Ramy Iskander, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Session 4: Urban Freight EV
Chair: Marc Boukerche, EC DG CONNECT
- STRAIGHTSOL, Jardar Andersen, Institute of Transport Economics
- V-Feather, Tom de Vuyst, Cranfield University
Conclusions and Closing Remarks
Cosmin Codrea, EC DG CONNECT/ all