H2020RTR18 European Conference: Results from Road Transport Research in H2020 projects

The 2nd edition of our H2020RTR conference, the European-wide conference dedicated to the presentation of results from road transport research in H2020 funded projects, gathered more than 75 projects researching on road transport related areas, highlighting the contribution of ongoing EU-funded research projects to meet EU policy goals: Green Vehicles, Mobility for Growth, Urban Mobility, Logistics, Automated Road Transport … and many more.
We give a huge thanks to everyone who made this edition a success!
All the presentations are now downloadable through the following link: https://we.tl/t-MlmyKWSwH4
* link available for 7 days (until 13 January 2019 midday)
Did you miss our event? Do you want to catch up on other parallel sessions? Just click on the below links for a replay.
28.11.2018 Parallel sessions
Towards 0 fatalities: https://webcast.ec.europa.eu/2nd-european-conference-on-road-transport-research-projects-results-0c Improving quality of life in urban areas: https://webcast.ec.europa.eu/2nd-european-conference-on-road-transport-research-projects-results-0b
Green Vehicles: https://webcast.ec.europa.eu/2nd-european-conference-on-road-transport-research-projects-results-0a
29.11.2018 Parallel sessions
Cooperative ITS and infrastructure for CAD: https://webcast.ec.europa.eu/2nd-european-conference-on-road-transport-research-projects-results-0c-29-11-2018
Future logistics and Urban Freight: https://webcast.ec.europa.eu/2nd-european-conference-on-road-transport-research-projects-results-0b-29-11-2018
Green Vehicles: https://webcast.ec.europa.eu/2nd-european-conference-on-road-transport-research-projects-results-0a-29-11-2018
Download the booklet listing all the speakers’ biographies, available in pdf version.
Access the full programme including the list of projects.
For more information:
Avenue de Cortenbergh 66
1000 Brussels