H2020 Transport call – 2018 Brokerage event
Within the Framework of the EC Transport infoday organised by the European Commission, the project ETNA 2020 is organizing a networking and brokerage event – jointly supported by ETNA 2020 and Enterprise Europe Network – focusing on the topics covered by the Transport Work Programme 2018. The networking and brokerage event will take place the 13th of December in Brussels.
Within the framework of the brokerage event, participants looking for partners for the calls published in the Transport Work Programme 2018 will have the opportunity to present their organizations and ideas for project proposals in 2 different ways:
- In the form of a brief oral presentation (3 minutes max.), using templates specially designed for this purpose.
- By participating in bilateral meetings (max. 20 minutes).
Registration to attend the EC Transport Infoday is a pre-requisite for participation in the networking and brokerage event.
Information about this event – including an on-line registration form – can be found at the following address: EC transport Infoday.
Participants of the networking and brokerage event will not be given access to the venue without confirmed registration for participation in the infoday. Once you register to the EC Transport Infoday, you can proceed with registering for the brokerage event at the top right corner of this page.