Particle Reduced, Efficient Gasoline Engines
- Framework: Horizon 2020
- Type: R&IA
- Status: Ongoing
- Category: Optimisation and Energy Efficiency
- End Date: 30/09/2019
- Vehicles: Passenger cars
PaREGEn addresses the short term scope of the GV-02 call via research into and the innovation of gasoline engines for light duty vehicles. Specifically, engines used in mid to premium passenger cars will be addressed. With the electrification smaller vehicles, focusing on larger cars is especially important: the need for clean, efficient & economic engines for inter-urban transport is more urgent and effective to resolve the challenges of air quality, decarbonisation & cost-effective mobility.
Through using state of the art techniques, like optical engines, modelling & simulation tools (for new control strategies or understanding particle formation) and applying new engine componentry, the optimal trade-off between efficiency & emissions will be found. Of attention will be the control of particle numbers between 10 to 23nm. This learning will be used in two, manufacturer lead vehicle demonstrations. These demonstrators will use downsized engines not yet on the market. The two approaches will use different combustion, dilution, fuel injection, boosting and aftertreatment systems. Completion of the project will show the way forward to a 15% CO2 reduction along with real driving emissions limits. If adopted across all light vehicles these short term engine innovations will reduce the EU vehicle parc emissions by ~2MtCO2 in 2025, 10nm in 2030. As well as improving EU competitiveness, a valuable contribution from PaREGEn will be new tools: to benefit engine design, development & control in general, long after project completion.
PaREGEn has partners from EUCAR, CLEPA & EARPA; it is organized so learning from other projects in GV02 can be integrated. Experience from the PMP project and those proposed on particle measurement systems will be included via the partners & suppliers of PN-PEMS. PaREGEn’s partners give a global link to other nationally funded activities and, specifically, specialists in advisory roles will bring expertise from USA & Japan.