Internet of Energy for Electric Mobility

  • Framework: FP7
  • Type: IP
  • Status: Completed
  • Category: Electrification (FEV/PHEV)
  • End Date: 30/04/2014
  • Vehicles: Passenger cars
  • Website:

The objective of IoE is to develop hardware, software and middleware for seamless, secure connectivity and interoperability achieved by connecting the Internet with the energy grids. The application of the IoE will be the infrastructure for the electric mobility. The underlying architecture is of distributed Embedded Systems (ESs), combining power electronics, integrated circuits, sensors, processing units, storage technologies, algorithms, and software. Reference designs and ESs architectures for high efficiency innovative smart network systems will be addressed with regard to requirements of compatibility, networking, security, robustness, diagnosis, maintenance, integrated resource management, and selforganization. The future smart grid will converge with the Internet based on standard interfaces, and a physical infrastructure to support electric mobility and the efficient distribution of power and information.