Innovative e-motor technologies covering e-axles and e-corners vehicle architectures for high-efficient and sustainable e-mobility

- Framework: Horizon Europe
- Type: R&IA
- Status: Ongoing
- Category: Electrification (FEV/PHEV)
- End Date: 31/12/2025
- Vehicles: Passenger cars
- Website: https://www.emtechproject.eu/
EM-TECH brings together 10 participants from industry and academia to develop novel solutions to push the boundaries of electric machine technology for automotive traction, through:
- innovative direct and active cooling designs;
- virtual sensing functionalities for the high-fidelity real-time estimation of the operating condition of the machine;
- enhanced machine control, bringing reduced design and operating conservativeness enabled by ii);
- electric gearing to provide enhanced operational flexibility and energy efficiency;
- digital twin based optimisation, embedding systematic consideration of Life Cycle Analysis and Life Cycle Costing aspects since the early design stages;
- adoption of recycled permanent magnets and circularity solutions.
The proposed innovations will be implemented in new series of radial flux direct drive in-wheel motors characterised by so far unexplored levels of torque density (>150 Nm/litre, >50 Nm/kg), and on-board single stator double rotor type ironless axial flux machines providing power density and specific power levels in excess of 30 kW/litre and 10 kW/kg. The solutions will address both passenger car and van applications (continuous power levels of 50 kW – 120 kW), providing competitive costs (<6 Euro/kg for a production of 100000 units/year), and leading to significant reduction of motor energy loss during real vehicle operation (>25%), and to >60% decrease of the rare earth content, including implementation of magnet recycling solutions.
EM-TECH obtained the support of several car makers (AUDI and Changan UK), which will strengthen the exploitation strategy. EM-TECH will further directly contribute to the relevant European Destination and KSO C and A, by supporting the establishment of a European leadership in the sector of key digital, enabling and emerging technologies, and the development of the respective value chains.