The upcoming 2Zero partnership – what is all about?

The aim of the online introduction of the upcoming “Towards zero emission road transport partnership” (2Zero) last 19th May was to bring you a general overview of:
- Why this new partnership
- How it is going to work
- What we want to achieve
As rightly stated by Stephan Neugebauer (EGVIA / EGVIAfor2Zero chairman), the EU Green Deal brings a fundamental change to the European society and all its economic sectors, with the most significant challenge for road transport: to achieve carbon neutrality. Road transport is one of the most important industrial sectors in Europe, and one of the backbone for jobs and growth in the EU; a successful transition of road transport towards carbon neutrality is essential to make the Green Deal a success.
To accelerate this transition, we will need important investments in research and innovation and here comes the new partnership – 2Zero. Through a system approach, it will focus on bringing forward technological solutions and maximising the benefits for the European citizens. It will contribute to the acceleration towards a more sustainable mobility so we can meet our 2050 targets. The Towards Zero emission road transport partnership will act as the implementation toolbox of high-level policies by providing innovative solutions and reinforcing the EU competitiveness.
To achieve the ambitions set by the EU Green Deal, we cannot do business as usual. All the stakeholders are called to collaborate and bring in all their knowledge and resources to accelerate R&I. The key question is: who do we need to be successful? OEMs, automotive suppliers, research institutes, the public sector but also stakeholders going beyond the automotive sector such as electrical components, semi-conductors … Maximising the synergies and coordination between EU, national and regional research programmes will be of great help to achieve our goals. The 2Zero partnership will also act as a central point to discuss with all stakeholders and identify common research priorities and challenges.
To achieve the transformation of road transport towards carbon neutrality, the partnership elaborated its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), a guiding document to implement the partnership’s objectives, structure its activities and identify research and innovation priorities. This document is not static and will be adapted with the outcomes of research and innovation activities throughout the lifetime of the partnership.
You can access the replay of the online session through our YouTube channel, and the draft SRIA online.
If you have any question about the partnership or the membership, please contact us at
You can also register for our 4 “Get Lunch with 2Zero”, online information sessions on R&I activities identified as key for the partnership. Check our event page and select your online session(s).
Below you can download the presentation.