The last 2Zero States Representatives Group for 2022 took place in Berlin
On 11th October, the 2Zero States Representatives Group hold their second formal meeting in Berlin. The meeting was kindly hosted by BMDV, the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport and gathered 40 participants, including representatives of 14 different Member States and Associated countries, the EGVIAfor2Zero Executive Board members and the European Commission officers involved in the 2Zero partnership.
Following a welcome speech by Dr Bonhoff, Director General in BMDV, the discussions continued around the ongoing policy initiatives related to road transport and charging infrastructures by the European Commission (DG MOVE), with a presentation of the advancement of the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation as well as the ongoing work of the Sustainable Transport Forum.
The meeting continued with presentations of ongoing developments and strategies of the different Member States regarding charging infrastructures in:
- Austria
- Sweden
- France
- Poland
- Finland
- Italy
- Spain
- Germany
This very instructive session allowed to share information on the state of play across Europe, challenges faced by the different Member States and ongoing activities to ensure the right framework conditions are in place to allow a large-scale take up of electromobility in Europe.
The meeting ended with a forward-looking discussion on how to reinforce collaboration and synergies among Member States in the future and excepted development from the 2Zero Partnership.