News Posted on 15/01/2025

New Opinion text published: European Partnerships under the Future EU Framework Programme

The Opinion of the Partnership Knowledge Hub (PKH) on European Partnerships under the future EU Framework Programme has now been formally adopted, following the integration of editorial suggestions from the 11th PKH meeting. This opinion has been finalised through a written procedure and is now publicly available.

For those who may be unfamiliar with the Partnership Knowledge Hub (PKH), it is a collaborative platform dedicated to fostering the exchange of knowledge and expertise related to European partnerships. The PKH plays an essential role in advising and shaping the development of partnerships within the EU Framework Programmes.

The document offers crucial guidance to the European Commission as it prepares its proposal for the next Framework Programme. It is anticipated that the opinion will serve as a key reference point for the co-legislators in Parliament and Council as they negotiate the future partnership portfolio.
One of the core messages highlighted in the opinion is the importance of allocating adequate time and resources to developing future partnerships. The document stresses that, in order to ensure a smoothly functioning partnership portfolio at the beginning of the new 7-year budget cycle, efforts must start now to work towards the vision presented within the opinion. The PKH was specifically established for this purpose and is ready to collaborate with the European Union, Member States, interested Associated Countries, and the partnerships themselves.
Have a look at the full opinion document here !