European Green Cars Initiative Shows Products, Projects and Strategies in the European Parliament
Since 2010 more than 50 projects were started within the European Green Cars Initiative most of them concerning electric mobility. On 31 May the involved Directorates General of the European Commission and the European Technology Platforms, ERTRAC, EPoSS and Smart Grids, presented the approaches and first results of their strategic cooperation within a High Level Event in the European Parliament in Brussels. This event was organized in cooperation with the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) of the European Parliament.
European vehicle manufacturers and suppliers that play a key role within the European Green Cars Initiative showcased vehicles and components. Renault presented their lineup of battery electric vehicles that start series production within this year. Volkswagen showed the prototype of their full electric vehicle Golf-blue-emotion, and Siemens the eRUF, an electrified Porsche. Fiat, Bosch, Continental and Fraunhofer, all members of EPoSS, displayed novel components and systems for energy efficient and electrified drive trains and vehicles. The exhibition was visited by the European Commissioner for Digital Agenda, Vice-President Neelie Kroes, and the Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Sience, Maire Geoghegan-Quinn. Furthermore, various members of the European Parliament and the media viewed the exhibition with great interest.
In the afternoon an expert workshop “Portfolio of European Green Cars projects” was held within the European Parliament. At the opening, the chairmen of ERTRAC and EPoSS, Prof. Wolfgang Steiger (Volkswagen) and Dr. Carmelo Papa (STMicroelectronics), emphasized the relevance of energy efficient and electric vehicles for the power of European industry to internationally compete. In two sessions industry representatives introduced the spectrum of supported projects that cover besides electric mobility also efficiency gains of conventional drive trains and optimization of traffic and logistics. Additionally a brochure containing information about all projects was compiled. This and the presentations can be downloaded on the website of the European Green Cars Initiative: