EGVIA reaction to the mid term evaluation report of the cPPPs
The European Green Vehicles Initiative Association (EGVIA) has been informed about the mid-term evaluation report performed by the independent expert group and published in October 2017.
This document consisted in a review of all the cPPPs (except the recently launched one on cybersecurity) according to five dimensions:
- Efficiency
- Relevance
- Coherence
- Effectiveness
- EU added value.
Even though EGVIA share most of the six recommendations set in the report, on potential improvements to be made in the cPPPs, it does not share all of the conclusions from the multidimensional analysis of all cPPPs.
EGVIA sees the European Green Vehicles Initiative as a successful cPPP defining ambitious objectives in its recently updated roadmap. Various efforts have been deployed to ensure the openness and transparency while reviewing the objectives and various stakeholders have been integrated to the discussions.
EGVI cPPP benefit from a strong support in the road transport community, especially thanks to the support provided by three European Technology Platforms: ERTRAC, EPoSS and Smart Grids, but also thanks to the direct involvement of more than 80 members.
All information related to the achievements of the cPPP are available on the website (list of funded projects, publication, workshops and events …).
Nevertheless, EGVIA is willing to have a constructive discussion about the recommendations from the expert group in order to identify opportunities and related measures for the implementation.
A document summarising facts and figures related to each evaluation criteria is available for download.