Consultation on the European Green Vehicles Initiative PPP
The successor of the European Green Cars Initiative PPP implemented in FP7, the contractual public-private partnership European Green Vehicles Initiative is in preparation for implementation in Horizon 2020. A draft roadmap containing the vision, strategy and expected impacts of the initiative has been put in the process of a stakeholder consultation. It is available for download on this site and your comments and recommendations on the different parts of this document can be sent to or, before the 18th of September.
On the 25th of September a conference about the European Green Vehicles Initiative PPP will take place in Brussels. At this event, the proposal for the EGVI Public-Private Partnership to be set up under Horizon 2020 will be presented and discussed with the audience in presence of high level representatives from the industry and from the European Commission. Please mark this date in your agenda. This conference is open to all interested actors, so do not hesitate to forward this information to colleagues. Details about the agenda and the location will follow after the summer break and will be available here.