Joint EC / European Green Cars Initiative Workshop – December 2011
Europe’s Strengths, Competencies and Job Opportunities in Electric Vehicle Battery Manufacturing
The invitiation letter can be found here.
The final report can be found here.
- Welcome, Wolfgang Steiger, Volkswagen / Chairman ERTRAC and EGCI Advisory Group
- Keynote EC / DG RTD, Herbert von Bose, Director Industrial Technologies, European Commission
- Keynote Spain, Xabier Garmendia, Vice-Minister of Industry and Energy, Basque Government
- Report from Japan, Setsuko Wakabayashi, NEDO
Session 1: Strengths and Competences – Chairperson: Jérôme Perrin, Renault
- GREENLION, Oscar Miguel Crespo, CIDETEC
- ELIBAMA, Jérôme Perrin, Renault
- Smart LIC, Sven Rzepka, Fraunhofer ENAS
- SuperLIB, Bernhard Kortschak, AVL
- ESTRELIA, Ewald Wachmann, Austriamicrosystems
- LABOHR, Elie Paillard, University of Münster
Session 2: Manufacturing and Regional Dimension – Chairperson: Andreas Dorda, A3PS
- Development of Battery Cell Manufacturing Technologies, Claudio Lanciotti, KEMET
- Nissan EV Batteries Manufacturing Plant, Francisco Carranza-Sierra, Nissan
- Activities on advanced battery for electric vehicles in CEGASA, Igor Cantero, CEGASA
- Recycling of NiMH and Li-ion batteries, Jan Tytgat, Umicore
Session 3: Coordination and Standardization – Chairperson: Pietro Perlo, IFEVS
- Standardization Issues related to Batteries, Ziva Patir, Better Place
- Crucial Role of the Full Value Chain and SMEs in Battery Manufacturing, Maria Luisa Soria, SERNAUTO
Conclusions and closing remarks
Dirk Beernaert, Head of Unit Microsystems, European Commission
Posters: Projects on Cell Materials Research
Coordination and Rapporteurs:
- Gereon Meyer (VDI/VDE-IT / ICT4FEV)
- Gonzalo Hennequet (Renault / CAPIRE)
- Jesus Monclus Gonzalez (CDTI)