Innovation Fund on the 3rd call for small-scale projects

The European Commission’s DG Climate Action and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) are hosting an online information day on April 20 to present the third Innovation Fund small-scale call for projects. This new call will be launched on March 30, 2023, with a budget of EUR 100 million for projects with total capital costs of less than EUR 7.5 million.
During the event, participants will receive an overview of the new call and practical advice on how to succeed in their application. Participants will be able to ask questions and contribute to the event via (#IFSSC2022) during the Info Day.
The online event will take place on
The programme:
10:00 Welcome and Introduction
10:30 Project Development Assistance (PDA)
10:40 The new small-scale call
10:55 Overview of the award criteria (part I)
- Questions & Answers via #IFSSC202
- Questions & Answers via #IFSSC202
11:35 AM Short break
11:45 AM Overview of the award criteria (Part II)
- Questions & Answers via #IFSSC2022
12:55 Closing of the session
The Innovation Fund is a dedicated funding program for the deployment and scaling of innovative low-carbon technologies, with the goal of bringing to market industrial solutions to decarbonize Europe. The Innovation Fund is supported by proceeds from the auctioning of EU Emissions Trading System allowances.
To date, the Commission has issued two calls for small-scale projects (total capital costs exceeding EUR 2.5 million and less than EUR 7.5 million), each with a budget of EUR 100 million, in the energy-intensive industries, renewables, energy storage, and carbon capture, use, and storage.
*Please keep in mind that the live transmission will begin approximately 10 minutes before the event.