External Event 23/11/2020 - 24/11/2020Virtual conference

14th SET-Plan Conference 2020

On behalf of the Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission, the 14th Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan) Conference 2020Enabling the SET Plan for the EU Green Recovery‘ Virtual Conference will take place in Berlin (Germany) next 23-24 November 2020.

The event will be opened by Mr Peter Altmaier (Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy) and via virtual participation by Mrs Kadri Simson (European Commissioner for Energy).

The ensuing ministerial panel will discuss the challenges and opportunities of the clean energy transition in the Covid19 European economic and social landscape and the role of the European Green Deal as the EU growth strategy.

Sessions will address, among other topics, the SET Plan contribution to the Green Deal as a driver of the EU recovery, and more specifically the three main European energy policy initiatives that will be launched this year, namely:

  • energy system integration and hydrogen,
  • offshore renewables,
  • the renovation wave.

Please note that due to the uncertainties linked to the spread of COVID-19, the conference will be held in a virtual format.

You can register to the conference here. Further information to come and to be found on SET Plan Conference 2020.

Please contact SETPlan2020@bmwiregistrierung.de, should you have any questions.

More information: https://www.nks-energie.de/aktuelles/termine?backRef=39&event=14th_SET_Plan_Conference_2020_virtual