News Posted on 04/11/2019

TRA2020 – Programme shaping up and registrations are open

The largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility, #TRA2020 just opened its registration. 

The website has been updated with the latest programme which is shaping out well.
The themes of TRA2020 – climate change, new mobility services, infrastructure, and European competitiveness – strive for tackling some of the most compelling issues of today and will be the base of the plenary sessions.
Additionally, TRA2020 is very excited to organise technical tours, as opportunities to see how research is put into practice in the Helsinki region. They will cover all modes of transport, from marine tech, air cargo, light-rail, and electrical vehicles. Check out the details here.

You can also discover who are the latest speakers and the first batch of exhibitors. If you are interested to book a booth, you can still do so by filling the exhibitor confirmation form and secure your place!

See you there!