Third Round of Calls for Proposals of the PPP European Green Cars Initiative Published
On 20 July 2011 the European Commission published the Third Round of Calls for Proposals of the PPP European Green Cars Initiative covering aspects of the Transport and ICT themes of the 7th Framework Programme. The documentation is available on the Green Cars Website and the Participant’s Portal:
Deadline for the submission of proposals is 1 December 2011.
In order to facilitate the participation of interested stakeholders in the European Green Cars Initiative and particularly in this call VDI/VDE-IT, EPoSS and ICT4FEV will jointly organize a Strategy and Networking Event on 8 September 2011. This meeting will provide opportunities for presenting project proposals and technology offers and requests. The attendance will be free of charge but limited to registered and confirmed participants. Also at the EPoSS Annual Forum on 5-6 Oct 2011 in Barcelona possibilities for related networking activities will be provided.