Final Get Lunch With 2Zero – Pillar 4
Our last Get Lunch with 2Zero covered the multiple aspects touched upon by Life Cycle Assessment and the circular economy in the #2Zero partnership: they should become a common practice in the overall assessment of the road mobility solutions.
Similarly to the other pillars of 2Zero, Pillar 4 will not work in a silo. It will interact with the other pillars by providing tools and solutions to collect real-life data allowing the development of comparative LCA at all levels (technical, societal, environmental, economical …) and the assessment of the full road transport system.
To be successful, many changes will need to be implemented: in production and development, in the education of workforce to acquire the right skills in all the aspects covered (logistics, standardisation, AI…); it will also require the involvement of many stakeholders: the European Commission, Member States and many stakeholders in the mobility sector.
You can access the presentation below and the replay from our YouTube Channel.