#EVinthegrid2018 Workshop
Presentations available now!
More than 10 years ago, EVs were an exception on the market. Today, they are a fully integrated in the vehicles offer: increasing number of EVs are sold annually and important technological improvements have been achieved. Yet, there are still a number of developments that need to be undertaken to make electro-mobility uptake a reality on European roads and beyond:
- Cost reduction
- Range improvement
- Charging time and convenience
The workshop #EVinthegrid2018 focused mainly on this last item. It aimed at discussing the challenges and potential solutions for a large scale uptake of electro-mobility in Europe, more specifically by focusing on the challenges of EVs integration into the grid in cities and peri-urban areas.
The workshop started with speeches from Stephan Neugebauer, EGVIA Chairman, and representatives from three different DGs of the European Commission (Guido Sachetto from DG RTD, Georgios Tzamalis from DG MOVE and Aleksandra Kronberga from DG Energy).
Following this opening session, 3 projects presented their preliminary results regarding integration of EVs int the grid from the infrastructure perspective: InteGridy, INVADE, EU-SysFlex and covering many topics such as Vehicle to grid, smart charging, flexibility management …
The workshop continued with insights from Transport for London and the Barcelona Transport Council which presented the complexed issues faced by public authorities: when and where to charge EVs? How to handle the fact that a car within the city is parked about 80% of the time? How to manage the increasing electricity demand and integrate renewable energy sources into the global picture?
The third session has been the opportunity to hear more about advancements of Green Cars and Green Vehicles Initiative projects during a woman only panel session: e-Dash, ELECTRIFIC and NeMo presented their activities and achievements. Projects highlighted the benefits of demand forecast management, interoperability, common information models, flexibility and smart control of the status of the grid …
The last session was a panel discussion among:
- Dr Ulrich MAEHR, Volkswagen
- Cristina GÓMEZ, ENTSO-E
- Sarah CARTER, Ricardo
- Ioulia PAPAIOANNOU, Joint Research Center
under the moderation of Enrique Meroño from Iberdrola.
Following some introductory statements by each of the panellist, a good discussion started with the audience, leading to a clear conclusion: more research and development is needed from all stakeholders working together in order to solve the “chicken and egg” problem of electromobility
From all these fruitful presentations and discussions, it is absolutely evident that the challenge can only be tackled by extending our approach in the next framework programme – Horizon Europe – from a vehicle approach to a system approach.