EARPA FORM Forum 2021 – Call for Young Researchers
EARPA wants to encourage Young Researchers to become more active and visible within the European Road Transport Research Community. As such, the FORM Forum 2021 wants to give them a platform where they can pitch their novel research ideas to the EARPA community and stakeholders on an innovative research topic in the context of the theme: “European sustainable mobility culture of tomorrow”
Young researchers are defined as PhD students, PostDocs with a PhD obtained less than 2 years ago or junior researchers with less than 5 years working experience.
The Selected Young Researchers are invited to a half-day workshop the day before the EARPA FORM Forum to discuss their ideas with a professional trainer and EARPA researchers who help them to prepare their elevator pitch. The best elevator pitch will be awarded a prize based on a voting by the audience. A representative from the Young Researchers will be nominated to take part in the EARPA FORM Forum panel discussions. Furthermore; all selected abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings.
More information on the conference topic, as well as on the selection criteria and presentation format can be found on the call web page.
The submission deadline is 8th of May 2021.
Please do not hesitate to contact Malou Meuffels for more information.