News Posted on 01/10/2020

Access the #CovidImpactOnAirQuality workshop summary report

On 21st September, more than 100 participants joined the #CovidImpactOnAirQuality workshop and made our 1st online event a success.

Each of the 5 speakers, from EEA to Academia and Public Health Institutes, presented their research results on data collected on air quality across Europe during the COVID-19 lockdown:

  • Impact of Covid-19 lockdown period on air quality across Europe based on in-situ monitoring data.
    Evrim Ozturk, European Environment Agency 
  • Conclusions from the WMO/GAW Coordinated study on impacts of COVID – 19 lockdown measures on air quality: an observational and modelling analysis.
    Prof. Ranjeet S Sokhi, University of Hertfordshire, UK
  • Conclusions drawn from air quality model simulations with emphasis on meteorology and the emissions situation.
    Prof. Nicolas Moussiopoulos, Aristotle University, GR
  • Possible effects on air quality of future emission interventions.
    Prof. Peter Sturm, Graz University of Technology, AT
  • The role of air pollution in the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Dr. Miriam Gerlofs-Nijland, RIVM, NL

The panel discussion, including the 5 speakers and Dr. Gladys Moréac-Njeim from Renault Group, answered and clarified questions and hypothesis arising from the presentations. It appears that NO2 particles levels were reduced in Europe during the lockdown period compared to previous years, however, it remains less clear regarding the level of particulate maters (PM). More work needs to be undertaken to develop better-calibrated models and more reliable simulations for pollutant formation estimations. It also requires more reliable and complete data.

Download our summary report to get a more in-depth view of the event.


Your #CovidImpactOnAirQuality report


You can also watch the replay of the event: