News Posted on 17/02/2023

A big success for the RTR 2023 Conference

This year again, EGVIAfor2Zero teamed up with ERTRAC, CCAM Association and the European Commission to organise the Conference on Results from Road Transport Research in Brussels.

With more than 350 participants attending on-site, the RTR Conference confirmed its success in gathering stakeholders involved in road transport research to share information, collaborate and share perspectives on all areas covered by the Horizon 2020 programme.

After a captivating opening session during which Stephan Neugebauer, our Chairman, highlighted the need for collaboration with other partnerships, including batteries but also the Key Digital Technologies (KDT) which will launch a topic dedicated to software defined vehicles in 2023, allowing to ensure EU sovereignty in areas of critical importance for the road transport sector.

19 projects funded under the European Green Vehicles Initiative (EGVI) have presented their outcomes during the conference; the following areas from the partnership have been covered:

  • Next generation electrified vehicles optimised for the infrastructure
  • Advanced light materials and their production processes
  • Next generation electrified vehicles for urban and suburban use
  • EV charging solutions: get the users on board
  • Materials for future electric vehicle batteries

This year, an additional plenary session welcomed 3 European organisations – AVL, Volvo Group, and TNO – to present their experience with EU funded projects over the years. They all agreed that participation in collaborative projects such as those of the H2020 research programme helps them in discovering hidden gems, in building partnerships and identifying business partners. They added that, from their perspective, the research results can constitute the first step towards European standardisation. For that reason and to avoid fragmentation of standards around Europe, it is crucial to be involved in such research programmes.

The closing session reflected topics touched upon during the opening session and along the different sessions: future skills, the future needs in education (including in artificial intelligence and data management), synergies as well as the next steps for partnerships and the next strategic plan (2024 – 2027).

Find all pictures of the conference online (password #RTR2023) and catch up on the replays of the sessions accessible on the Conference Youtube Channel !
You can also download all the presentations (link valid until 3/04/2023).