2Zero partnership is just round the corner!
The “Towards zero emission road transport” (2Zero) partnership will launch soon, as part of the new framework programme of the EU: Horizon Europe. It will be the continuation and extension of the European Green Vehicles Initiative. Building upon the success of previous initiatives (Green Cars and Green Vehicles), the 2Zero partnership will address the challenge of decarbonisation of road transport in a systemic way. By involving a wide range of stakeholders, the 2Zero partnership will make a key contribution to achieve the Green Deal objectives and help the EU to have the first climate-neutral road transport system by 2050.
Stakeholders from all these categories can become members of the EGVIAfor2Zero not-for-profit association which will be engaged with the European Commission in the 2Zero partnership
- Automotive industry
- Public & private (charging) infrastructure
- Public authorities
- RTOs and universities
- TSOs and DSOs
- Energy provider
All stakeholders, willing to achieve the objectives of carbon-neutrality, technology leadership, European competitiveness and improvement of the health and quality of life of EU citizens can contribute to the partnership, and be involved in one or several of the four research and innovation pillars of the 2Zero partnership:
A public information event has been organised on 10th December to present to all interested stakeholders:
- The draft version of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), including details about the four R&I pillars and the objectives of the partnership
- The governance structure and ways to be involved in the partnership.
The PPT presentation is now available and the recording of the event will soon be available.
If you wish to receive more information, please contact Lucie Beaumel, Head of EGVIA office.