2Zero continues to grow!

Brussels – 21 October 2021
During its last General Assembly meeting, EGVIAfor2Zero welcomed 13 new members, bringing the total number of members to 111!
The newest members applications are well balanced across sectors and represent all types of stakeholders, both from the industry and the research sides, testifying the importance of all players for the success of the 2Zero partnership and the transition towards a climate-neutral road transport system.
As 2Zero is aiming at accelerating the transition by taking a system approach, it is of upmost importance to involve stakeholders that represent various sectors, including the logistics industry and freight transport users and the smart grid community. During our last meeting, we welcomed two new members in these categories: Grubber Logistics for the freight side and ELES for the grid one.
The General Assembly also appointed new Executive Board members to join the current delegates:
- Thilo Bein, from Fraunhofer, representing the research members
- Andrea Condotta, from GRUBER logistics, representing the logistics industry and freight transport users
- Uros Salobir, from ELES, representing the smart grid industry
All Executive Board members are now appointed and will be driving the work of the General Assembly and the partnership as a whole.
Stay tuned!
Would you like to join us in the 2Zero adventure?
Just contact the office: info@2zeroemission.eu