REWARD & dieper project Final Event
The Real World Advanced Technologies for Diesel Engines (REWARD) Project is almost completed and we are happy to announce a final stakeholder eventtogether with the dieper project in order to show final REWARD results as well as first (dieper) results. The dieper project is almost midway.
REWARD will present its new 4-stroke B/C class Diesel engine as well as its 4-stroke D/E class Diesel engine, the new EATS tested on their vehicles and optimized for new combustion concepts, give information on activities related to low-friction materials and lubricants, and new driveline components that have been designed specifically for the demonstrator vehicles.
This is an open event (free of charge) taking place as official side event to TRA2018.
Please note that you need to have a valid conference-ticket for TRA2018. By having a valid ticket for TRA 2018 on Wednesday 18 April 2018, lunch and coffee breaks taking place during the conference, are included. You can secure your ticket here