EU Road Safety Conference 2024
The EU Road Safety Conference 2024 will take place in Dublin (IRL) on16 April 2024 from 9:00 (IST).
Interested? Check out the programme outlined below and register here.
Opening session: Are we on track to halve road deaths by 2030?
The EU signed the Stockholm Declaration to halve road deaths and serious injuries by 2030 and eliminate them by 2050 – Vision Zero. As we approach the midpoint of the decade of action, what’s going right and what’s going wrong?
Thematic session 1: Are we really applying the safe system?
Since 2020, all Member States have subscribed to working towards Vision Zero through the application of the Safe System. But are we walking the talk? What really is the Safe System? What have we learned from analysing EU Member States’ road safety strategies?
Coffee break
Thematic session 2: People and machines: are we on course for the safe implementation of automation in mobility?
Vehicles, mobility systems, and infrastructure are increasingly connected and equipped with automation. Yet we will have at least another decade of an ageing vehicle fleet and lagging investments in infrastructure. How do we bridge this transition? Does a more automated system take account of human nature?
Lunch break
Thematic session 3: Urban road safety
70% of road deaths in urban areas are due to vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, and users of micromobility. What steps can we take to keep people safer in our cities and towns?
Thematic session 4: Rural Road Transport: Connectivity and Safety
Rural roads are the most dangerous location for fatal road crashes, with 57% of all EU road deaths taking place on rural roads. Problems include inappropriate speed limits, poor infrastructure, and a wide variety of vehicles sharing the road. What can we do to reverse the trend?
Coffee break
Thematic session 5: After the crash: Serious injuries and post-crash care
Road crashes not only result in the deaths of over 20,000 people a year in the EU, but they also cause life-changing injuries to as many as 10 times that many people. How can bereaved loved ones best be supported? What is the role of first responders at crash scenes? What are the messages from policymakers from those on the frontline?
Concluding session: What should the EU do?
What should the EU focus on in the second half of the 10-year policy framework to 2030?
Closing remarks