EU Hydrogen Research Days 2023
In 2023, the EU Hydrogen Research Days, integrated in the Hydrogen Week, will take place fully online on the 15 and 16 November.
It will assess the progress and achievements in the various pillars of the Clean Hydrogen programme and discuss ways forward and key issues concerning research and innovation in the clean hydrogen field.
The annual EU Hydrogen Research Days, formerly “Programme Review Days (PRD)”, has emerged as a pivotal event in the clean energy world. Established in 2011 in response to the mid-term evaluation recommendations of the Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (JU), this gathering offers an annual snapshot of progress in hydrogen-related projects.
Each autumn, the event highlights advancements in projects funded by the Clean Hydrogen JU and other EU programs, pinpointing successes and areas needing further focus. This platform also promotes networking, idea exchange, and sharing best practises among participants, including the broader scientific community.
In addition to these insights, the EU Hydrogen Research Days bestow awards that celebrate collaboration among research, industry, and policymakers and project achievements. These awards include:
- The European H2 Valley Award: Recognising pioneering work in hydrogen advancement
- The Best Success Story Award: Honouring standout projects
- The Best Outreach Award: Celebrating effective outreach efforts
- The Best Innovation Awards: Commending innovation in the clean hydrogen sector
This event is more than a conference; it’s a catalyst for clean energy transformation, where ideas and vital connections are shared and forged.
Please visit the event’s webpage for detailed information about the digital event programme and registration instructions. You will also learn how to vote for the Best Success Stories Award and the Best Innovation Award.